Plants vs. Zombies Game Creator Wiki

Cactus Water is like Plant Food and Fungi Snack, it powers up that specific plant. in this case, it powers up plants that shoot spikes/cactus related. It's first appearence appears in a DLC of Plants vs. Zombies: The Final Fight called "Cactus Kingdom". Blue glowing zombies carry this stuff. You can also gain an instant Cactus Water by using the Power Lily (1/3 chance for PF, FS, or CW)

List of Plants[]

  • Cactus: Shoots a barrage of spikes.
  • Cattail: Shoots a barrage of spikes at random zombies, then ends it off with a big spike.
  • Queen Cactus: Gains a golden helmet and summons mini cacti that act like Puff-shrooms. (But can't use Cactus Water, etc.)
  • Garlic Drone: Shoots a barrage of spikes.

    The image of Cactus Water.
